Anudal Industrial
For Anudal continuous improvement is a challenge and it is present in all the activities of the company. We invest in new computing systems to provide references in the whole data process and verify that the manufactured parts meet the permitted tolerances.
Anudal owns since 2006 the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Certificate. This certificate applies to design, manufacture and commercialization of de joints, T-joints, punch press, pre-frames, handles and aluminum carpentry mounting accessories.
In Anudal also we respond to the need of improving the working environment and reducing the potential causes of accidents. We manage with the issue implementing the Japanese 5S methodology to establish order, organization, cleanliness, standardization and discipline.
- We recycle the remaining chips and scraps of aluminum production.
- Wastes get purified and separated.
- We remove the maximum quantity of paper as it is possible, relying the documentation in electronic format and using recycled paper.
In addition, Anudal’s group also invests in tree plantations and photovoltaic plants, which produce enough energy to supply the own consumption of the company and generate surpluses. These solar power plants represent an annual reduction of more than 4,000 tons in CO2 emissions.
We adapt to the new series offered to the market, and we design joints and t-joints for various export markets. We offer solutions for carrying out special operations for different sectors and we make available to our customers the possibility to customize their products.
Added Value
Customization of products
Product label with the logo of the customer
Items’ packaging in special boxes with the logo of the customer
Blocking TJoints with the logo of the customer
Joints kits packaging or T-joints in special bags
Availability in 10 days.
Any quantity.